Exclusive T strap high hell shoes in navy suede vogue featuring a 70mm heel, leather sole and full kid lining.This shoe, like all the other Carmina's, is carefully manufactured by expert craftsmen who follow the same techniques that Charles Goodyear created in 1869.Style assembled on LLuch 70, considered the house's most elegant last. Known for its narrow and squared tip along with its low inStep, it is ideal for smart and elegant styles.
Fiting : E
海蓝色麂皮VOGUE玛丽珍鞋,细高跟 70 mm,皮革鞋底,羊皮内衬。选用皮革鞋底和橘色羊皮内衬。这双鞋和所有的Carmina鞋子一样,由技术熟练的工匠精心制造,遵循 Charles Goodyear在1869年构思的精湛技术。采用 Lluch 70 mm 鞋楦。Lluch 被认为是最为优雅的款型之一。其特点是半方而窄的鞋头,脚背低,穿脱舒适。它是正式穿搭及优雅形象的理想鞋楦。
宽度: E